Thursday, July 28, 2011

The NEW Carrie necklace

The Carrie Necklace:
If you find yourself unsure of what the Carrie necklace is, I might think you live under a rock. For those of you not down with all of the SATC trends (Sex and the City.. umm duh) The Carrie necklace was worn by SJP (Sarah Jessica Parker) throughout the show and it was simply a ghetto gold necklace with her name printed on it. It was very unexpected and very "Carrie" to say the least. 
Since the show has ended women everywhere have tried to obtain a signature necklace or piece of jewelry like the beloved Ms. Bradshaw. In Raleigh (and other parts of the country) that jewelry item is the initial necklace. Be it gold or silver, this necklace is the modern day Carrie necklace. To me it is a must have piece and I wear it everywhere. It can be found at fine jewelry stores or online stores. It is a timeless piece of jewelry and one that will never go out of style. Invest in this today and instantly channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw!
My necklace was a Christmas gift from my parents last year.

Carrie Bradshaw

Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to School!

I am happy to announce that after a full 12 months of teaching this past year (yes, 12 months, not 10, no breaks, insanity!) I have chosen to be a 10 month employee and be on a "track".
What is a Track?
For a year round school, a track is 1 out of 4 tracks that is available for students to attend. Essentially it is four schools in one and at any time there are 3 different tracks of students. Students and teachers are in school for nine weeks and then tracked out (break) for three weeks.
I am now a track four teacher which means that since July 9th, I have been on my break! Since then I have filled my days with traveling, shopping, cooking, beaching it, and spending time with friends and loved ones.
My husband and I took a great vacation for a week in July in the wonderful Caribbean Island of St. Maarten. This vacation was incredible and we really filled everyday with a new adventure. Since we could not make the trip this summer to Croatia (my husbands home), this island was as close as we could get to Europe! The food and beaches were both the highlight of the trip and we could not have been happier with our island choice and accommodations!

Below are some pics from the Island and also from the Island of Anguilla. So beautiful!
After arriving home from St. Maarten my husband went back to work and I still got to enjoy another week and a half off from work! I spent my days cooking, sunning at the pool with our family friend, Nan, and shopping for some deals. BTW: sales right now are insane in BR and JCREW, you have to dig, but its worth it. A sweater for fall from BR, $7.00. Are you serious? Boyfriend jeans- $10.00. In the words of my friend Christina, "Practically Free!"
This past weekend my two good friends from high school joined me for a long weekend at my parents house in Southport, NC. It has been a good 10 years since we have all had spent some quality time together and we have known one another for 20+ years. Being together has been like nothing has changed and we have really enjoyed ourselves. Rachel has been my blogging liaison and supervising this new venture. Jeanne has been busy planning our 10 year high school reunion!
Wednesday marks the first of my teacher workdays, followed by the first day of school on Monday. I feel like a student all over again on my first days of school. I can't wait to meet my new kids and hopefully greet some of my favorites from last year!